29 May 2023
Digger the Duck for Bury Hospice

On Sunday 28th May, our team entered 'Digger the Duck' into the annual Ramsbottom Rotary Club giant duck race, alongside several other local businesses and schools in support of Bury Hospice. To take part, we decorated our duck as a CPG Building Supplies branded construction worker, complete with hard hat, overalls and stack of bricks.
Throughout the day, there were a number of races including smaller ducks, a dippy duck race, finishing with the main event, the giant duck race. The races look place on the local River Irwell near to Bridge Street Gardens and prizes were awarded for the race winners, as well as 'best dressed' ducks.
The day was a great success with lots of money raised for charities, including to support the vital services of Bury Hospice. Bury Hospice opened in 1991 and since then have helped thousands of people with end-of-life care through their compassionate, specialist teams. The charity has inpatient units, outpatient clinics and other dedicated teams who provide round the clock support for individuals and their families at some of the most difficult times of their lives. To fund the service, it costs £4m with a 13% contribution from the NHS, making events like these that help generate additional income, absolutely essential.
Congratulations to all involved, we look forward to next year's race!