The planet’s current climate and ecological challenges mean we must change the way we do business. In response, all our sales businesses have committed to be carbon net zero in their own operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030.

Our ESG Strategy
View our environmental, social and governance strategy document, to see our roadmap to 2032.
Our aim is to be carbon net zero in our own operations (Scopes 1 and 2) of our sales organisations by 2030.
Working with our customers, manufacturing partners and supply chain, we want to help you meet your sustainable development goals.
We will work with our partners to reduce Scope 3 emissions.
We will move to a low emission or electric car fleet.
We will procure and produce renewable energy.
We will only offset carbon that we can’t remove.
Resource Use and Management
We will build our employees sustainability expertise, to drive behaviour change.
We will measure and monitor resource use.
We will eliminate avoidable waste.
We will remove single use plastic from our offices, events and packaging.
Restoring Balance
We will work hard to minimise our negative impact.

We will explore nature-based solutions.
We will support our Group Foundation Trust to fund the Earth Trust's Inspiring Future Green Leaders programme.
We will work with our local sustainability champions.

Sustainability Champions
Following on from a series of sustainability workshops, educating over 600 employees across the Group Plc, several of our Brick and Building Materials team members have volunteered to be sustainability champions.
These volunteers will take the lead in their respective businesses to help improve our environmental performance and social impact. From encouraging everyone to use our recycling facilities through to initiating electric vehicles in our depots, we’re already seeing encouraging change happening!
Read our ESG Strategy
View and download our full environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy document, which includes our Group approach to our people, our partners and the planet.